
The SullivanFirst Kids is a growing ministry that encompasses children from Pre-K - 4th grade. Through Sunday morning Children's Church and First Family Nights, it is our goal to provide children with a fun and interactive learning environment. Through bible-based lessons, interactive skits, crafts, and music, children are encouraged to learn who God is and how they can be a part if His story. 

Sunday Mornings

SullivanFirst has developed a special worship experience for kids Pre-K through 4th grade during the Awaken Service at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.

Pre-K/K - Mrs. Shuman, Mrs. Feeler & volunteers

1st-4th Grade - Mrs. Alexandria Poe

On a typical Sunday morning, they will enjoy worship songs, a lesson and interactive, biblical-based teaching. Once the service is over, parents are invited to head upstairs to pick up their kids. 


First Family Nights

Our Wednesday family night programming is held on the first Wednesday of the month and runs throughout the school year. Come join us for a meal at 5:15 and discipleship in age-appropriate classes for kids PreK - 4th grade from 6-7 p.m.  What to expect?

  • Praise Practice
  • Bible Based Lesson
  • Games - GaGa Ball
  • Lots of fun! 

+Our Children's Area is located upstairs on the 2nd floor accessed through the stair case or elevator

+ Pre-K/K - parents drop them off in class before the church service begins

+ 1st-4th grade students begin in church service and head upstairs after praise songs

Connect with us by joining our Facebook group at Sullivan FUMC Kids Ministry