Welcome to Sullivan First United Methodist Church!

Faith. Family. First. 

Going where Jesus goes. Doing what Jesus does. Being who Jesus is. 

Exciting things are happening at Sullivan First United Methodist Church and we would love for you to join! 

Church office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm

Contact us! office@sullivanfirstumc.com or at 217-728-4436

We are

   Real People

We are real people infused with a dynamic faith, committed to a common vision, & joined together by the covenant love of our Creator.  We believe in multi-generational ministry that's sole purpose is to reach our county & the surrounding area for Jesus.  We firmly believe that you should come as you are to the feet of Jesus who is capable of transforming a broken & contrite heart into a blooming soul that brings Him joy!  Our gatherings are casual, but we make it a priority to focus our attention on God's Word & to give Him the glory in all that we do!

Sunday Worship

At Sullivan First UMC we offer two distinct worship experiences.


The Awaken service begins at 9:30 am (entrance under the drive-through) and the Heritage Service begins at 11 am (enter through the main sanctuary).

For those with mobility issues, please enter through the drive-through entrance. You can then either enter Friendship Hall or take the elevator to floor 2, and follow the signs to the sanctuary. 

Can't make it to church? Stream on our Youtube site - https://www.youtube.com/@Sullivan1stUMC