Missions & ServingOpportunities

We have many ways to serve.  Simply click a pic and you will be directed to the contact person responsible for that particular ministry.  Additionally, as people participate in the Network seminar, they are able to discover their ministry fit. If such a ministry is not already operating, the possibility of a new ministry starting is high.

Being in service and having a good ministry fit is a priority at SullivanFirst!

  • Hospitality Ministries

    Hospitality is the ability to put people at ease and assist them to feel welcomed, comfortable, and like they belong.  This ministry area includes Ushers and Greeters on Sundays.  It also includes Greeters for other events and activities taking place at the SullivanFirst throughout the week.  If this may be a good ministry, please click the picture link to communicate with Hospitality Director.

  • Set-Up & Tear-Down

    Set-Up & Tear-Down is a significant part of ministry at SullivanFirst.  The 9:30 a.m. AwakenCelebration is in FriendshipHall (our gym) and the chairs need to be set up and taken down occasionally  so other activities can happen throughout the week.  Additionally, tables and chairs need to be set up and taken down for various church activities and outside group events.  This is a wonderful and vital way to serve "behind the scenes"!  If this is a good ministry for you, please click the pic to communicate with our office.

  • ChildrenMinistry

    Oh the energy!  If you love kids and want to help them know Jesus, then this ministry may be for you. Currently, our First Family Night Wednesday program meets throughout the school year, and Children's Church meets throughout the calendar year during the 9:30 a.m. AwakenCelebration. SullivanFirst also has a nursery available on Sundays during the 9:30 & 11 worship hours.  Additionally, we provide child care during the week as needed so parents can be a part of various meetings and church activities!  All those working with our children must have a background check on file in the office.  If this is a good ministry for you, please click the pic to communicate with our office.

  • YouthMinistry

    This ministry encompasses the Jr. High right now.  The Jr. High meets Sundays at 4:00 p.m.  There are also special outings and safe transportation is often needed.  These young adults are learning what it means to be a Christ-follower and growing in their faith.  This is a fantastic way to serve and make a tangible difference in the lives of others.  A background check must be on file in the office to work with our youth.  If this is a good ministry for you, please click the picture to communicate with our office.

  • Senior Adult Ministry

    Are senior citizens dear to your heart?  This ministry includes taking communion to shut-ins, visiting nursing homes, driving for senior adult outings/activities.  Occasionally, transportation is also needed to a doctor's visit.  Listening, loving, and learning are some of the rewards of this ministry.  If this is a good ministry for you, please click the pic to communicate with the pastor.

  • ContemporaryWorship

    Do you play an instrument?  Do you like to sing?  Are you passionate about sharing your gift of music to glorify God?  If yes, then this ministry may be for you!  The PraiseTeam practices on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and then they lead the 9:30 a.m. AwakenCelebration.  We are also always looking for folks who even if they cannot make the time commitment for the PraiseTeam, would still enjoy sharing their musical gift as special music during our worship services.  Click the pic to communicate with our Worship Director.

  • HeritageChoir

    The choir practices on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.  They sing the last Sunday of each month, June through December, at the 11 a.m. HeritageService.  If you have the ability to play piano or organ, your gifts and abilities are welcome!  You might enjoy accompanying the choir or playing for the congregational singing! If this is a good fit for you, then click the pic to communicate with our Worship Director.

  • MultimediaMinistries

    This is a continually growing ministry area at SullivanFirst.  It ranges from operating the sound board  and making sure the right things are on the screens to preparing videos for sermons and other worship components.  If any of these behind the scenes ministries sound like a good fit for you, then click the pic to communicate with our Worship Director.

  • FoodMinistry

    Do you like to cook and/or bake?  This ministry area is quite diverse in scope.  Some take a meal to a family with a new baby or following a surgery.  Others are a part of the 4G meal preparation on Wednesdays throughout the school year.  Or you may enjoy preparing the food for the quarterly DiscoverFirst Brunch!  Or perhaps you have a passion for families in the midst of grief and would find it meaningful to help with funeral dinners. To learn more and discuss the possibilities of serving in FoodMinistry, click the pic to talk with the pastor.

  • CommunionSteward

    The Lord's Supper (Communion) is one of our sacraments.  At SullivanFirst, we participate in this sacrament on a monthly basis and at other special times throughout the year.  Through communion God's grace is experienced and lives are changed.  If you'd enjoy being a part of the team that makes sure the bread and juice are available and to properly dispose of it.  If this Life giving ministry is for you, please click the picture to communicate with our Chief Communion Steward.

  • PhotographyMinistry

    Pictures and images are vitally important in the life and ministry of SullivanFirst.  We need pictures of what is happening at and through the congregation for Facebook and the website.  Also, there are additional print materials, pictures that change in our entryway, and various billboards.  These pictures hold the potential of being used by God to connect with and ultimately transform people's lives.  If this ministry sounds like your passion, then click the pic to communicate with the pastor.

  • PrayerMinistry

    Prayer is the current life-blood at SullivanFirst.  Prayer covers our planning process, implementation stages, and debriefing.  We have prayer chains--e-mail, text, and/or phone.  As a congregation we pray at 8:00 p.m. everyday for one minute for Breakthroughs.  If you want to connect more deeply with the SullivanFirst prayer ministry, then click the pic to connect with Mike Craig, prayer initiative leader.

  • WebPresence Team

    If you like to surf the web, and you want to help reach the world for Jesus, then this may well be the ministry for you!  Be a part of the team that keeps this website and Facebook up to date!!  Simply click the pic to connect with this team.

  • General Church Volunteer

    If you would like to plug in somewhere but aren't sure what you would like to do, just contact our staff and we can help!