
The list of seminars below are offered at varying times throughout each year.  You are invited to follow the various links to request more information and/or have your name placed on a list to be notified the next time that specific seminar will again be made available.

  • DiscoverFirst Brunch

    This seminar is offered quarterly.  It is a single session and less than an you get a meal and child care is provided!!  You will learn a little about the United Methodist Church in general and SullivanFirst specifically.  You also have the opportunity to ask questions!  If you'd like to be added to the list of folks to be notified about the next one, please use the following link: here.

  • FirstFriends

    As the name implies, this is an opportunity to make some new friends!  Over 5 sessions, you will have the opportunity to get to know and be known by 5 - 12 others.  If you'd like to be added to the list of folks interested in being a part of one of the next FirstFriends groups, please use the following link: here.

  • Network

    During this 6 session seminar, you will discover: 1) your God-given ministry passion, 2) your God-given organizational style, 3) your God-given relational style, 4) your God-given spiritual gifts, 5) your realistic time availability...and ultimately come out with ministry ideas that will be fruitful & fulfilling for you as they glorify God and edify others!  Use the following link here to be added to a list of folks who will be notified when this seminar will be offered again.

  • ContagiousChristian

    During this 6 session seminar, you will discover: 1) your God-given evangelistic style, 2) how to recognize when others are asking for you to share your faith story, and 3) how to most authentically share your faith story.  This seminar will give you the tools and training that will prepare you to be used by God in new and exciting ways!  Use the following link here to be added to a list of folks who will be notified when this seminar will be offered again.

  • FinancialPeace University

    The 9 sessions are entitled: 1) Super Saving, 2) Relating With Money, 3) Cash Flow Planning, 4) Dumping Debt, 5) Buyer Beware, 6) Role of Insurance, 7) College & Retirement Planning, 8) Real Estate & Mortgages, 9) The Great Misunderstanding.  The cost of this seminar is $100 (scholarships are available).  Use the following link here to be added to a list of folks who will be notified when this seminar will be offered again.

  • GenerationChange

    This seminar helps teens discover their God-given identity.  The seminar is broken down to "BE," "DO," and "GO."  Covering much of what is included in FinancialPeace, this seminar will prepare teens to avoid the common financial pitfalls and problems that affect so many in our world today.  Use the following link here to be added to a list of folks who will be notified when this seminar will be offered again.